Performing with Video

Performing with Video

We encourage live video performances at BMS events 🙂

However, the video performance situation depends on which venue we are in.

Some venues are well prepared for adhoc video connections. Some, less so.

So basically, please get in touch with the BMS team well in advance and get a formal acknowledgement by email that we are able and ready to plug you in on the night.

Please note the following:

During the event, the live connecting of HDMI cables into the projector is strongly discouraged. because we have experienced numerous problems with this.

Keep in mind that if there is a lot of white in your video it might make the room rather bright!

We have a Black Magic Design Mini Converter UpDownCross HD (which accepts HDMI and SDI) and a Black Magic Design ATEM Mini Pro (which accepts HDMI).

The projector accepts HDMI.


Please be sure to arrive early to test your Video setup!